Dashboard widgets


OPNsense provides an easy framework for developing dashboard widgets within a simple abstraction layer. Each widget is a separate Javascript module that extends from a base widget class. Each widget exposes a set of functions that are called by the dashboard framework logic. Each widget class also exposes the API endpoints it uses to fetch data, so that the dashboard controller can apply per-widget ACL checks.

The framework provides the following features:

  • A responsive and dynamic grid that allows the user to build up a custom layout.

  • The layout can be saved per logged in user.

  • Administrators that restrict access to specific pages for specific users will automatically restrict access to the widgets that also use the same data feed.

  • Widgets are fully asynchronous, meaning they are fully independent from one another, making sure that resource intensive widgets will not hold up other widgets.

This framework uses GridStack to create the dashboard grid.

Widgets are placed in the src/opnsense/www/js/widgets/ directory.


Before going into any details, it is often most useful to present an example that includes most of the core logic: the interfaces overview widget.


The BaseWidget shows the skeleton of the widget Javascript module. Widgets extend this class to provide defaults to the framework. To make life a little easier for common patterns, other base widgets may also be exposed. Currently these are:

  • BaseTableWidget: Exposes a dynamic table that can be configured in multiple orientations and only needs a data feed.

  • BaseGaugeWidget: Exposes a Gauge widget that allows presenting simple current/total values with multiple hooks to customize the widget.

The following functions are available to be overridden by the widget when extended from the BaseWidget:


constructor(config) {}

To provide sensible defaults to the framework, a derived javascript class should always call super() first in the constructor. Afterwards, the defaults can be overridden. The properties are:

  • this.title. Sets the title of the widget in the header.

  • this.tickTimeout. Sets the interval (in seconds) in which the onWidgetTick() function is called. The default is 10 seconds.

If the widget has been persisted (the user pressed ‘save’), the loaded widget configuration is passed in the constructor. Any custom data necessary for the widget to properly reload itself can be fetched using the await this.getWidgetConfig() function. See the Configurable widgets section.


getGridOptions() {}

To provide flexibility, the widget can optionally override this function and return an object that will be merged and loaded into the GridStack API. This function is called before the widget is rendered to the DOM. For example, the following code:

getGridOptions() {
    return {
        // trigger overflow-y:scroll after 650px height
        sizeToContent: 650

will insert the sizeToContent: 650 key-value pair into the GridStack options, making sure that the height of the widget does not exceed a maximum of 650 pixels before a scrollbar is inserted. The GridStack API reference can be found here.

This object is also persisted once the dashboard has been saved, meaning these properties are also passed in the constructor on a widget reload.

The properties do not have to correspond to the GridStack API, any custom data can be pushed here.


getMarkup() {}

This function must return a jQuery object that contains the static markup that’s necessary to build the layout of the widget. This function will usually just return the container (with styling attached) where dynamic content will be loaded using onMarkupRendered()


ajaxCall(url, data, method='GET') {}

This function is a wrapper around the jQuery AJAX function. It is used to make API calls to the backend. The function is internally bound to a retry mechanism, so if the API call fails, it will be retried after a short interval. By default the call will fail after three attempts, after which the widget will show a generic error message.

Certain calls require a POST HTTP verb to be used to be able to send data to the backend. In this case, the method parameter can be changed to POST and the data parameter can be filled with the data to be sent.


async onMarkupRendered() {}

As soon as the dashboard has loaded, and all widget markup has been rendered to the DOM, dynamic content can be provided to fill the widget by defining this function. Since this is an async function, any API call within this function must be awaited. For example:

async onMarkupRendered() {
    await this.ajaxCall('/api/interfaces/overview/interfacesInfo', {}, (data, status) => {
        // do something with the data

This will make sure that all other widgets remain responsive, and a spinner appears while the data is being loaded. Use jQuery to update the markup as prepared by getMarkup().


onWidgetResize(elem, width, height) {}

If a widget is resized by the user, or is resized due to layout constraints / browser resize, this function will be called with the updated width and height. The widget element is passed into the function as well.

Use this function to keep the widget responsive and the layout coherent for different sizes. For example:

onWidgetResize(elem, width, height) {
    if (width > 500) {
        $('.interface-info').css('justify-content', 'initial');
        $('.interface-info').css('text-align', 'left');
    } else {
        $('.interface-info').css('justify-content', 'center');
        $('.interface-info').css('text-align', 'center');

The above code will make sure that if the width of the widget is less than 500px wide, less critical information is removed. Adjust the styling as necessary.


While this function is debounced (throttled to prevent excessive calls), it is still executed often during a resize. If this function is doing a lot of heavy lifting, make sure you implement a notion of state to prevent the same logic from executing more than necessary. An example of this can be found in the BaseTableWidget.

If you return true from this function, the grid will be forcefully updated to adjust to a new layout.


onWidgetTick() {}

This function is called every this.tickTimeout seconds. While the dashboard is open, this function is used to update the data presented on the dashboard.


onWidgetClose() {}

Executed when a widget is removed from the grid. Make sure to clean up any resources in use by this widget. It is not always necessary to override this function, but it’s possible you’re using a third party library that requires action to be taken when the widget is removed. An example is the cleanup of a rendered chart.


If you’re using the BaseWidget EventSource mechanism, make sure to call super.onWidgetClose() to cleanup the persistent connection to the server.


onVisibilityChanged(visible) {}

Executed when the visibility of the page has changed (tab or instance switch). You’re very likely not going to need this function, but if you do, make sure to call super.onVisibilityChanged(visible).


openEventSource(url, onMesage);

When your widget requires a persistent connection to stream data, use the super.openEventSource() function with the API endpoint and a callback function. The onMessage callback function takes in a single event parameter, of which the data property contains the event data.

This function is bound to the same retry mechanism as the ajaxCall() function.



Closes the current active EventSource. This will be called automatically if the widget closes and you don’t have the onWidgetClose function overridden. If you do, make sure to call super.onWidgetClose().


The BaseTableWidget exposes a set of functions to easily create a responsive table that is capable of some basic CRUD functionality. To make use of this, simply extend from the BaseTableWidget, which automatically exposes the BaseWidget functions as well. E.g.:

import BaseTableWidget from "./BaseTableWidget.js";

export default class YourWidget extends BaseTableWidget {}


super.createTable(id, options);

Creates and returns a jQuery object with the id attribute set to the id parameter of this function. The options parameters is an object with the following structure:

let options = {
    headerPosition: 'top'|'left'|'none',

If the headerPosition is top, some extra options are defined:

let options = {
    headerPosition: 'top',
    rotation: <number>,
    headers: [],
    sortIndex: <number>,
    sortOrder: 'asc'|'desc'
  • rotation will limit the amount of table entries to this value, and ‘scroll’ new data into view.

  • headers defines a static array of strings that contain the table headers. The position in the array also implicitly defines the index of the column.

  • sortIndex specifies the index of the headers array to sort on

  • sortOrder if the sortIndex is specified, the sort order will be either ascending or descending.

headerPosition left is a key-value structure while headerPosition none allows for arbitrary rows of data without state.


super.updateTable(id, data = [], rowIdentifier = null);

Inserts one or more rows into the table with id parameter id. If a rowIdentifier is specified, only a single row of the table is upserted.

The data layout is as follows for headerPosition top and none:

    ['x', 'y', 'z'],
    ['x', 'y', 'z']

The data layout for headerPosition left also allows nested columns:

    ['x', 'x1'],
    ['y', 'y1'],
    ['z', ['z1', 'z2']]


BaseGuageWidget defines a simple responsive gauge chart. An example implementation can be found in the Memory Usage Widget






Any styling can be added to the Dashboard CSS file or a themed version of this file.

Since a lot of the charts have programmatic approaches to colors, the special

:root {
    --chart-js-background-color: #f7e2d6;
    --chart-js-border-color: #d94f00;
    --chart-js-font-color: #d94f00;

CSS selector is defined so you can override these colors for custom themes.

Configurable widgets

To make widgets configurable, make sure you pass in the config object in the constructor and, call super(config) as described in the Functions - constructor section. Also set this.configurable = true in the constructor as well.

The CPU graph widget is an example of a configurable widget.

Two functions must be overridden to make a widget configurable:


async getWidgetOptions();

Function must return an object with the following structure:

    option_name: {
        title: <translated string>,
        type: 'select_multiple',
        options: [
                value: 'value',
                label: <translated string>
                value: 'value',
                label: <translated string>
        default: ['value', 'value']

This function is asynchronous as it may require an API call to fetch the available options.


async onWidgetOptionsChanged(options);

Callback function that is called when the user changes the options of the widget. The options parameter is an object with the same structure as the object returned by getWidgetOptions(), but mapped to selected values.


async getWidgetConfig();

Gets the current persisted widget configuration. This function implicitly calls the getWidgetOptions() function to account for the option defaults.

ACL and translations

Every widget must expose the endpoints it’s using to the framework, so the controller can determine whether this widget is accessible for the current logged in user. To do this, you must create a section in the src/opnsense/www/js/widgets/Metadata/<Core|Plugin-specific>.xml file. The Core XML file shows how widget metadata is structured.

If any of the defined endpoints is inaccesible, the widget will not be available for the user. Note that the same rules as for any other ACL applies here.

Translations are provided in the same XML file, you can access these values by using the this.translations.<key> variables in the widget class, The value of key is defined by the opening/closing XML tags.