View construction (and tools)

Although most of our code base is being processed server side, some things just require interaction on the clients machine for a fluent user experience.

In this chapter we will try to explain some of the components we use when designing pages and how pages are usually constructed.


To ease reading of volt templates, we recommend using a fixed layout when creating templates. The base of our rendered page always contains the standard layout which is hooked via our standard frontend controller.

Below you will find the sections and their order, which we will describe briefly.

  {1} Copyright notice
$( document ).ready(function() {
  {2} UI code
{3} page html
{{ partial("layout_partials/base_dialog",...)}}  {4} dialog forms (see getForm())
  1. The copyright block, 2 clause BSD with the authors on top

  2. Javascript code which belongs to this page

  3. HTML code, usually starts with some <div> containers and uses standard Bootstrap 3 layouting

  4. When forms are used, these are placed last, these will be generated to the client as standard html code


ajaxCall(url, sendData, callback) is a wrapper around jQuery’s $.ajax call preset to a POST type request and wrapping the sendData into a json object. The callback function will be called with the data and status received from the endpoint.

example usage
ajaxCall('/api/monit/status/get/xml', {}, function(data, status) {


ajaxGet(url,sendData,callback) is also a wrapper around jQuery’s $.ajax call, but for a GET type request.

example usage
ajaxGet('/api/diagnostics/interface/getInterfaceNames', {}, function(data, status) {


The mapDataToFormUI(data_get_map, server_params) can be used to map data retrieved from a controller to a form in the browser.

This function accepts two parameters, data_get_map contains a mapping between form id’s and server endpoints, server_params is optional and can be used to set option in the GET type request.

When the endpoint is successfully called it should return a json type structure containing the path to the item, as an example using data_get_map = {'myform': '/api/path/to/formdata'};:

  "netflow": {
    "capture": {
      "interfaces": {
        "lan": {
          "value": "LAN",
          "selected": 1
        "wan": {
          "value": "WAN",
          "selected": 0
    "collect": {
      "enable": "1"

Which maps to the fields in this simplified structure (usually rendered via our volt templates):

<form id="myform">
    <select multiple="multiple" id="netflow.capture.interfaces">
    <input type="checkbox" id="netflow.collect.enable">

The function returns a $.Deferred() which will be resolved when all endpoints are called.


saveFormToEndpoint(url, formid, callback_ok, disable_dialog, callback_fail) is the opposite of mapDataToFormUI() and retrieves the data from the form and sends it to the configured (url) endpoint as json structure. Underneath this function uses getFormData(parent) defined in opnsense.js which is responsible for extracting values from different form types such as <input> and <select> types. When the attributes should be type safe (e.g. an integer in json format should be presented as 1 and not as "1"), there is the possibility to “cleanse” the data first using a filter. In this case define an attribute on the input tag with the name type_formatter containing the function to call.

<input type="text" type_formatter="my_convert_to_int_function" id="myform.myintval">

Which could be implemented in the form javascript as:

function my_convert_to_int_function(payload)
    if (/^[+-]?[0-9]*$/.test(payload)) {
        return  parseInt(payload);
    } else {
        return payload;

The response data looks similar to the example data in mapDataToFormUI, but more condensed since selections will be returned as single (separated) values, such as lan,wan if both options where set.

Using the example with the function above, a valid integer would offer a json object similar to {"myform": {"myintval": 1}}, unparsable data would look like {"myform": {"myintval": "1x"}}, in which case backend validations are able to feedback validation results.


The updateServiceControlUI(serviceName) function hooks the service control on top of the standard template, where you can find the [re]start, stop and status of the service.

It assumes the following endpoints exists for the module:

  • /api/{{serviceName}}/service/status
    • returns the status of the service (running, stopped) in a field named “status”

  • /api/{{serviceName}}/service/start
    • start the service

  • /api/{{serviceName}}/service/restart
    • restart the service

  • /api/{{serviceName}}/service/stop
    • stop the service

Dialog wrappers

We are using BootstrapDialog to display standard dialogs, to limit the boilerplates needed to show these dialog we added the following wrapper funcitons:

stdDialogInform(title, message, close, callback, type, cssClass)

Informational dialog with a single close button, using the following parameters:

  • title: string dialog title

  • message: string dialog message

  • close: string close button text

  • callback: function() to be called after close

  • type: string dialog type. one of: danger, default, info, primary, success, warning

  • cssClass: string css class to use

stdDialogConfirm(title, message, accept, decline, callback, type)

Ok/Cancel dialog type using the following parameters:

  • title: string dialog title

  • message: string dialog message

  • accept: string accept button text

  • decline: string decline button text

  • callback: function() to be called after close

  • type: string dialog type. one of: danger, default, info, primary, success, warning

stdDialogRemoveItem(message, callback)

Simple remove item (warning) dialog, using a message and optionally a callback.


Using the jQuery extension SimpleActionButton one can register simple ajax calls on components click events, which will call the selected endpoint and show a progress animation (spinner) to the user.

The following parameters can be supplied as data attributes on the target object:

  • endpoint: endpoint to call (e.g. /api/my/action)

  • label: button label text

  • service-widget: the service widget to refresh after execution, see updateServiceControlUI()

  • error-title: error dialog title

The method itself can be feed with callbacks to call before (onPreAction()) and after (onAction()) execution.

An example of a button could look like this:

<button class="btn btn-primary" id="reconfigureAct"
        data-label="{{ lang._('Apply') }}"
        data-error-title="{{ lang._('Error reconfiguring component') }}"

To utilize the callbacks, one could use:

    onPreAction: function() {
        const dfObj = new $.Deferred();
        console.log("called before endpoint execution, returning a promise.");
        return dfObj;
    onAction: function(data, status){
        console.log("action has been executed.");


The UIBootgrid jQuery extension is a wrappper around a slightly modified jquery-bootgrid component, the pattern we implement with our wrapper is inspired by this example.

Defining the html table is best explained in the jquery-bootgrid examples, our wrapper eases the implementation of the javascript code.

The minimal implementation contains a reference to the search endpoint which should return a json resultset containing rows and pagination data (current, rowCount, total).

    {   search:'/api/path/to/search',

The other optional endpoints are either used to populate a form, as defined in the data-editDialog property on the table or can be used to feed actions, such as set (set new values, return validation errors), add a new record, del an existing record or toggle if the record should be enabled or disabled. info endpoints are not used very often (and can safely be omitted), these are mainly intended as simple trigger to display an info dialog.

A full example of a basic grid is available in our Using grids module & plugin example.

In some cases the developer wants to signal the user about the fact that changes need to be applied in order to be active, for this scenario one can use the data-editAlert property of the table, which offers the ability to show an alert after changes. Below example would be shown when the table tag contains data-editAlert="exampleChangeMessage":

<div id="exampleChangeMessage" class="alert alert-info" style="display: none" role="alert">
    {{ lang._('After changing settings, please remember to apply them with the button below') }}


You can access the general settings of the jquery-bootgrid plugin using the options property, which can be convenient when you would like to change requests or responses as being exchanged with the server. The available options are described here.


The UIBootgrid wrapper also offers two properties in options to ease bootgrid loading with URL parameters for search & edit functionality on page load. To do this, you can set initialSearchPhrase to a value, or use triggerEditFor, which is expected to point to a UUID. OPNsense exposes getUrlHash(<key>) to help with this and will return a value if the URL contains i.e. #search=value or #edit=value.


The simple file upload dialog can be used to select a file and upload it to a specified endpoint.

To define a button sending data to /api/path/to/import_controller, the following code could be used:

    class="btn btn-xs"
><span class="fa fa-fw fa-table"></span></button>


The structure of this POST contains a payload and a filename property.

Initializing this button could be done using:



The SimpleFileUploadDlg action supports an onAction handler similar to the one described in $.SimpleActionButton

OPNsense settings

We added a couple of settings to the list, which help to extend our plugin a bit more easily. Below we will explain which settings (within the options tag) are added by us:

  • useRequestHandlerOnGet

    • Boolean value which enables the use of the request handler when a get request is executed to fetch data for the dialog. This can be used to add parameters to the request.

  • onBeforeRenderDialog

    • function handler which will be called before an edit dialog is being displayed, can be used to change the otherwise static dialogs. Should return a $.Deferred() object. (e.g. return (new $.Deferred()).resolve();)


Formatters can be used in the grid heading to choose the presentation of an attribute, we include a couple of standard formatters which are:

  • commands (commands list, edit,copy and delete)

  • commandsWithInfo (same as commands, but with an info button as well)

  • rowtoggle (show enabled status and act as toggle button)

  • boolean (show boolean value)

Visible columns

jquery-bootgrid offers the ability to add columns which are not visible by default using the data-visible tag. When using our wrapper, these can be used to set defaults as well, but the users last selection is also recorded in its local browser storage as well as the number of results shown in the grid when opening the same page again.