WireGuard AzireVPN Road Warrior Setup


AzireVPN is an international VPN provider, co-locating in multiple datacenters and offering secure tunneling in respect to privacy. To set up a WireGuard VPN to AzireVPN we assume you are familiar with the concepts of WireGuard you that you have read the basic howto WireGuard Road Warrior Setup.

Step 1 - Get AzireVPN configuration

For an automated rollout of configuration, AzireVPN will create a private key in your browser and send the public key via an API call to their servers. To get a configuration login to your account

Via Options you can select the country where you want to break out, choose a port (default ist fine), and set the protocol to tunnel (we only cover IPv4).

Hit Download at the end of the page to get the preconfigured text file and open it in your favorite text editor.

Step 2 - Setup WireGuard Instance

Go to tab Instances and create a new instance. Give it a Name and set a desired Listen Port. If you have more than one server instance be aware that you can use the Listen Port only once. In the field Private Key insert the value from your text file and leave Public Key empty. DNS and Tunnel Address has also to be taken from the configuration. Hit Save and go to Peers tab.

On Peers tab create a new Peer, give it a Name, set in Allowed IPs and set the DNS name from your configuration in Endpoint Address. Don’t forget to do this also for the port.

Go back to tab Instances, open the instance and choose the newly created peer in Peers.

Now we can Enable the VPN in tab General and continue with the setup.

Step 3 - Assignments and Routing

To let you internal clients go through the tunnel you have to add a NAT entry. Go to Firewall ‣ NAT ‣ Outbound and add a rule. Check that rule generation is set to manual or hybrid. Add a rule and select Wireguard as Interface. Source should be your LAN network and set Translation / target to interface address.

When assigning interfaces we can also add gateways to them. This would offer you the chance to balance traffic via different VPN providers or do more complex routing scenarios.